Veterans Affected by 3M Combat Arms Earplugs

If your firm is involved in the 3M Combat Earplug litigation, Verus is here to help.

You know from your VA disability work that many veterans suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus after using 3M’s Combat Arms earplugs. If you are representing veterans who have 3M earplugs claims, Verus is ready to assist you and your clients.

The team at Verus has been involved in plaintiff-side mass tort work for over a decade. We are familiar with the requirements of the earplugs cases and offer the following services:

Intake review
Verus reviews the materials collected during intake to determine if additional information is needed. If so, Verus will contact the veteran and work with them to get the information necessary to complete their claim.

Medical records acquisition and review
Verus can manage the acquisition of all necessary medical and service records. Those records are then reviewed by a dedicated team trained in the specifics of the CAEv2 litigation that will prepare reports and other work product to your specifications.

Initial census report
Verus reviews the available records and coordinates with the veteran to complete the initial census form for submittal.

Veteran communications
Verus will provide front-line support for communications with veterans through a dedicated toll-free phone number and a project-specific email address. Additionally, Verus can provide notice services for important written communications with veterans.

Case enhancement/Personal story
Verus will contact the veterans to work with them to compile their individual personal stories that will include the impact the injury has had on their lives and details of their military service, including photos of them wearing the CAEv2 and any IED or ERP exposures.

Read our latest Earplug blog posts

Verus can help your firm with 3M and any other medical device or dangerous drug related cases. Visit our Mass Tort Administration Services page for more information. Contact us today by filling out the form or email us at