Happy Thanksgiving From The Verus Team

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To celebrate Thanksgiving, we asked a group of Verus employees from different areas of the company to share what they are most thankful for this year. Here is what our team members said…

Mark Eveland, CEO
In addition to having great friends and family I can count on, I am thankful for the opportunity I have every workday to collaborate with a fantastic team of talented and dedicated professionals. This team has navigated a very challenging two years with dignity and grace, and has served our clients and claimants well.

Susan Busch, Claims Reviewer
I would like to say that I am thankful for the COVID vaccine and how it is enabling families to get together again.

Mikah Testa, Litigation Analyst
Last year It was so sad to have family visit and not be able to come inside…especially for my kids who really didn’t understand why their Grandparents could not play with them. This year I’m thankful for safe holiday celebrations with family again.

Scott Heisman, Director of Operations
I am thankful for the work the Verus team does on a daily basis to allow people to get some of the help they require for injuries they sustained from no fault of their own.  Not everyone gets to end work each day knowing they made a difference in people’s lives.

Jillian Lazo, HR Manager & Business Partner
I am especially grateful this year for being able to spend this Thanksgiving with my parents, sister, and my extended family. One very meaningful lesson learned during the pandemic is not to take the small things for granted, including a meal with loved ones, and watching my kids hug their grandparents.

Kim Lavin, Manager of Research Services
On the Friday after Thanksgiving my family and I go hiking; it’s a tradition that goes back over 20 years, to the days when our kids were young. We often head towards the Delaware Water Gap and hike to Sunfish Pond, a glacial lake at the Delaware Water Gap that sits along the Appalachian Trail.  Rain or shine, cold or warm, it’s become as much a part of our Thanksgiving as turkey and pie.  I’m always grateful for the laughter, the time together and the enduring sense that we’ve created a family tradition that I know will be carried on by my children and perhaps someday their children.

As always, we at Verus are thankful for our employees and our continued ability to serve our clients. Wishing all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

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