FDA Schedules Asbestos Public Forum

Subject Matter Expert –

On January 9th, only a few days after J&J’s California case settled, the FDA announced that it will hold a day-long public forum to gather information and discuss the testing procedures for detecting asbestos in talc-based cosmetics. The meeting is scheduled to take place on February 4th at FDA’s White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, MD.

The FDA stated that the objectives of the forum are to hear from the public and experts about the different ways of testing for asbestos, to establish a standard terminology, and to look into the different technologies available to detect asbestos in talc-based products. The FDA is aware that private research facilities use a more advanced technology based on electron microscopy that allows the finding of asbestos particles where other techniques which are more broadly used cannot.

Among the forum’s agenda items is the discussion of preliminary recommendations made by a federal interagency working group created by the FDA whose task is to assist in the development of standards for the testing for asbestos and other minerals in consumer products.

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