Community Service and A Vibrant Company Culture Help Define Life at Verus

Subject Matter Expert –

Maintaining a positive and engaging culture has always been a priority at Verus. From its earliest days, Verus defined itself by its commitment to facilitate justice, not only in its first role as settlement administrator to several asbestos bankruptcy trusts, but by its dedication to improving the lives of people in the neighboring community.  The people who work at Verus have created a family atmosphere that is demonstrated through the relationships the employees have developed with each other and with the world beyond its office walls.

Over its 20 year history, Verus has sought to host events that reflect the interests and diversity of its workforce.  Recently, an Activity Committee was created to encourage the employees to offer input into the social events the company sponsors.  From regular town halls designed to keep employees informed of the company’s progress and successes, to volleyball games on the lawn, a global fare lunch, company picnics and trips to baseball games, Verus continues to be a place where people want to work.

Verus keeps this sense of family going in a number of ways. One critically important tool is the company’s use of an engagement survey, designed to elicit the opinions and suggestions of the employees about the company – recognizing those things that are working as well as ways in which the company might be improved. We focus on communications, making sure people are in the loop on company developments.  Whether it is implementing new policies or re-envisioning existing ones, Verus strives to be a company that lives up to its mission to contribute to the greater good. This effort was reflected when the company was recognized by Best Companies Group in 2023 as one of the Best Places To Work in New Jersey.

Even before the pandemic, Verus had developed a hybrid work-from-home policy; as a result, the company already had extensive experience in sustaining a company culture among employees who work remotely which served it well during times when employees may have felt isolated during the pandemic.  Employees regularly attend planned events and rely on the group chat on Zoom to keep in touch; they also participate in online activities like the football pool, March Madness brackets and the pet essay/photo contest.

In addition to fostering a unique company culture, Verus also strives to have a positive impact on the community around it. Employees are offered eight paid service hours each year to volunteer, either by participating in company service activities, or by individually supporting a cause that may have a more personal meaning. Individual departments often volunteer as a group, which also inspires team-building, allowing employees who may not see each other every day to get to know each other better. In recent years, Verus employees have volunteered with Rolling Harvest, Arm In Arm food pantry, TASK, HomeFront NJ, Autism Awareness, the wildlife preserve at Bowman’s Hill, and the Special Olympics. These efforts are designed to bring our company commitment to equity and fairness outside the office walls.

Even as it grows, Verus has managed to foster and maintain a sense of community, largely by recognizing and encouraging the interests and goals of its unique workforce. As we expand our services into new offerings supporting mass torts, analytics, and business services we will rely on this core sense of commitment to justice and to each other to stay true to our mission to facilitate justice both at work and in the world at large.


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