Modern Slavery Occurs Here. Corporations Can Help End It.

Subject Matter Expert –

Verus CEO Mark Eveland and Judge Marina Corodemus (Ret.) Co-Author Opinion Editorial about How Corporate America can Help in the Fight to End Human Trafficking

While difficult to quantify because of its “underground” nature, the International Labour Organization estimates that 24.9 million people were victims of human trafficking in 2017. Of those, 16 million were exploited in the private sector.

Contrary to the common notion that human trafficking is a problem for developing nations to solve, modern slavery occurs right here in the United States — at the nail salon, on the truck farm, in hotels and restaurants, on construction sites and in the sex trades. It is slavery hiding in the shadows of the economy.

Heightened awareness is the first step in rescuing victims and putting an end to this human rights travesty. Corporate America remains largely on the sidelines of this issue at its peril and must do more to thwart trafficking by joining forces with the courts, law enforcement agencies, human rights lawyers, social service organizations, religious groups and others.

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