If your law firm is getting involved in the litigation against these facilities, Verus is ready to help.

Nursing Home Facilities and Long-Term Care Facilities are at the center of the largest numbers of Covid-19 related deaths and their potential long-term effects. If your law firm is getting involved in the potential litigation against these facilities, Verus is HERE to help.

In working with Verus we can offer:

  • Access to qualified data analysts: In the wake of Covid-19, it has become increasingly apparent that understanding the data that will drive decisions is of paramount importance. Our analysts will help you interpret the data around nursing home and long-term care facility exposure so that your firm can better serve the needs of your clients and put your resources to work.
  • Use of our proprietary state-of-the-art portal: Our team will gather, coordinate and review all the claimants’ information to keep your cases organized and on track in conjunction, when needed, with claimant emails, phone calls and texts.  Based on your case criteria, Verus can create a customized solution to meet the needs of your firm with the singular goal of facilitating justice for the injured parties.

Read our related blog posts. To contact us, please email us at info@verusllc.com  or call us at and we will reply immediately.

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