Verus will be attending the Resolving Your Water Pollution Case: Creative Resolution Strategies event on Tuesday May 24th at 9am EST. The event will be moderated by the Honorable Marina Corodemus and will also feature the following speakers: Esther Berezofsky, Esq., Matthew K. Edling, Esq., Gary Hokkanen, Daniel M. Krainin, Esq., Marc Rollo, Esq., and Paul Stofa, Esq.
In the words of Judge Corodemus:
“Water Pollution cases are now coming into the mainstream of litigation. No longer are these cases limited to remote areas. The complexity and great expense in litigating these cases necessitates a better way – namely through focused discovery and meaningful mediation providing in many instances for a resolution before trial.
Join us on May 24 for a practical discussion from State and national litigators representing all aspects of the water pollution equation. It will be well worth your time.”
Click below for event information.