A crisis like the current Covid-19 pandemic is fertile ground for misinformation and communication missteps. Right now, with so many firms’ offices closed and staff members working remotely, there are some important communication best practices to follow to keep...
What Law Firms Can Do to Protect Employees from Discrimination
Employers are responsible for protecting staff from a variety of risks that impact their well-being. In addition to creating policies and platforms that safeguard employees from physical threats, organizations need to proactively institute programs that target often...
Five Strategies Law Firms Can Implement to Increase Firm Diversity
The case for building a culturally diverse workforce is stronger than ever. Adherence to legislation under the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, in addition to value-driven initiatives such as best practices, have prompted firms to embrace inclusion and...
The Top 10 Human Resource Issues that Affect Law Firms
Human Resources is an invaluable asset to every business, and law firms are no exception. This specialized field requires professional expertise and experience. Although most law firms deal with a diversity of clients on a daily basis, many managing partners do not...