Litigation Update: Elmiron MDL Sent to New Jersey

Litigation Update: Elmiron MDL Sent to New Jersey

On Tuesday, December 15th the JPML sent all Elmiron cases to be tried in New Jersey by U.S. Judge Brian R. Martinotti. The judge had been handling Elmiron lawsuits and had already set up processes resembling those typically followed in MDLs. Because those efforts were...

Litigation Update: Elmiron Linked to Serious Eye Injuries

Litigation Update: Elmiron Linked to Serious Eye Injuries

Elmiron [Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (PPS)] is a drug developed in 1996 by Johnson & Johnson’s subsidiary, Janssen Pharmaceuticals to treat interstitial cystitis, bladder pain and osteoarthritis.  The drug has been linked to serious eye injuries including...